The energy grid:
The basis of our society
Electrical energy is one of the most important bases of our modern industrialised society. Whether in factories, private households or the public sector, electricity is not only needed to provide light, but our lives literally depend on the grids, through which electricity is transmitted from the power stations to the consumer. As worldwide leading manufacturer of overhead line conductors in the energy sector, HAASE Gesellschaft m.b.H. with its longstanding expertise and state-of-the-art manufacturing – from standard to specialised applications – is contributing to the development of the network that will shape the future.
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Overhead power line net:
Utilising our power stations’ energy
Power lines are the core of a modern industrial society. No light, no TV, but also no automotive factories, no steelworks – we literally depend on the cables that allow us to use the energy from power stations. The power lines, which mostly go unnoticed, have to meet special requirements regarding quality and efficiency – otherwise energy will dissipate into heat. HAASE meets these requirements with continuous improvements in all of the company’s processes.
Compacted energy
Conductors for the cable industry
One of HAASE‘s main focuses is on the production of compacted power transmission conductors for the cable industry. We develop and successfully implement solutions for all areas of application in close cooperation with internationally renowned customers
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