HAASE Wire and Cable Factory

The leading manufacturer of ropes

As an internationally active company, HAASE Gesellschaft m.b.H. represents a leading European manufacturer of cables in the area of power transmission as well as ropes for industrial rope and lifting systems. A production capacity of more than 10.000 tons of cables/ropes in the most diverse designs is prove both of HAASE’s high efficiency and future-oriented level of development.

Founded in 1859 by Traugott Otto Haase in Graz, HAASE is now managed by the 5th generation of the family and has developed into one of Austria’s longest-established private enterprises.


HAASE relies on clear and flexible solutions

HAASE has clearly committed itself to work on the basis of nationally and internationally recognised management systems.

With certifications according to ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) as well as OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety management), we have gained a reputation of maximum reliance and safety among our customers.

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Shape the future together

Since 1859 HAASE‘s philosophy has been to focus on customer orientation and confidence. It is the people who take a decisive part in determining the global development of HAASE on the basis of tradition and quality.

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The history of five generations Conductor and Rope Works

The company has been developing into a leading manufacturer and key player in the stranding of energy cables and the world of industrial rope and lifting systems under the management of five generations of the HAASE family.

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Quality Environment Safety

Securing the future means assuming responsibility

HAASE wants security for its customers! At HAASE all aspects of the production flow are defined by process oriented procedures. Our customers can be sure to get HAASE products which work as expected – thats what HAASE stands for since 1859

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